Apples vs Red Washington Apples
I was sitting around yesterday, and I was trying to explain why Ted as a Citizen at birth just like the founding fathers was no longer eligible to be the President, so I came up with this visual aid.
At the time of the drafting of the Constitution the United States was only 11 years old. When they put in Art II, Sec, I Cl 5, "No Person except a natural born Citizen" there were no natural born Citizens, that is no children of two citizen parents born in the United States that were of the age of thirty-five. The oldest natural born Citizen child would have been 11 at the most. So to allow for a President until one of those children became of age, they placed the "grandfather" clause in Art II, Sec I, Cl 5 "or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, ". This allowed anyone that had become a citizen that had fought for our freedom from England and pledged allegiance to our new nation, regardless of where they were born or the citizenship status of their parents to be President until a natural born Citizen could assent to the office.
The first of those was Martin Van Buren born in 1782 in New York. I have addressed the citizenship of our Presidents in previous posts, so I won't do that again here. After Van Buren we had one more grandfathered President William Henry Harrison born in 1773, but after that until Chester A. Arthur all presidents were born in the United States to two Citizen parents. After Arthur until our current President the same was true. So out of 44 Presidents only two have failed to meet the criteria outlined in Art II, Sec I, Cl 5. The first did so because he hid his records and then burned them when he left office. The second did so through the same methods and when people asked questions they were ridiculed and called "racist" and "birthers". Only history will tell like Arthur, if Obama was truly ineligible to be President.
Back to the point of the post. I have simplified Art II, Sec I Cl 5 down to make it easy for people to understand. If you can understand the logic of the phrase "Washington Red Apples are Apples, but not all Apples are Washington Red Apples" then you should be able to understand what the founding fathers meant by the term "Citizen" and "natural born Citizen". One is generic and the other is specific.
A citizen is someone who either by birth or naturalization has allegiance to the country but could have other allegiances either through birth parent or birth location. A natural born citizen is a subset and more specific type of citizen who is one born in the country to which the parents are citizens and has no allegiance to any other country via parentage or birth location.
The picture below is my representation of the logic statement "Washington Red Apples are Apples, but not all Apples are Washington Red Apples.

I hope that the picture above helps simplify the understanding of what the founding fathers were attempting to do.
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